Exclusive benefits for GOB customers
Innovating. Transforming. Succeeding. As an established service-provider, we are by your side right from the start of your digital transformation journey and will provide you with comprehensive, scalable and sustainable solutions. As your customer journey progresses, we can offer you a large number of services specifically tailored to your needs.
For unitop customers only
Exclusive services & support
Spaces & portals
From the initial enquiry to becoming a GOB customer
Various spaces and portals will be available to you, depending on how far you have progressed on your GOB customer journey. When you become a customer, you will enter the multi-faceted world of exclusive unitop services and support, all of which can be accessed via the customer portal. The portal forms a central point of contact, where you can access additional services and support if you need them. It also contains links to our unitop Learning knowledge platform and to the GOB service portal.